TWD: Summer Fruit Galette

Recipe chosen by: Michelle of Michelle in Colorado Springs
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Anybody else have problems coming up with stuff to write on these things? I keep staring at the blank editor and wanting to write "yeah... I made it. I liked it/didn't like it/loved it/hated it. Here's how I mucked it all up this week."
So, anyway (heh)... The galette seemed to be a hit across the board. I wasn't sure which stone fruit would work the best, so I opted to try plums on one side and nectarines on the other. I used apricot jam across the whole, mostly to use up the jam I had left over from the La Palette's Strawbery(ish) Tart week. (One of the combos that we didn't use was ripe apricots with the apricot jam.) I'm not sure if the fruit from my local grocer is mutant or Dorie's is tiny, but I always end up with way too much fruit when I use her estimates. I ended up quartering the fruit to get it to fit a little bit better, but I would probably slice it in at least eights to get more fruit coverage next time.

Check out the pics above of the unbaked crust. There's the real muck up. I thought I was running out of time to get it done before the tasters got here, so I rushed chilling the crust. It was a little too warm to do much besides stick to the parchment and tear. I managed to get it all up over the fruit, but it wasn't a happy camper even after a brief session in the fridge to cool it down. I also misplaced my measuring tape part way through getting things done, so I think I may have goofed on the measurements too. (I ended up using two pot lids to mark the circles, and that seemed to work pretty well.)
As for the tasting... It's a mixed bag. Almost everyone loved the crust (natch), and everyone finished their piece. Half of the folks wanted plum and the other half wanted nectarine - so that worked out pretty well. For myself, I was torn. One of the nectarines was ripe and sweet and tasted fantastic in the galette while the other nectarine was too sour for me. The plums were good, but I'm not sure I like the slidey skin presentation.
Last summer, I picked up a galette from the local farmer's market. Didn't know what to call it, but I needed a dessert for the dinner crowd and it was pre-TWD so anything past brownies was intimidating for me. I never thought that I'd be making one of those from scratch less than a year later. How awesome is that?
Don't forget to check out the rest of the TWD crew, and visit Michelle for the Galette Recipe.
I had some custard oozing issues, too. It didn't stop me from scarfing down a huge portion of the galette on my own, though. Love the crust, it's so damn good! Nice job.
I think they all oozed. Mine did for sure. But yurs looks great!! Nice colors!
I had custard bubbing all over the place. I love the two tone color of your fruit. It looks yummy!
I think it's awesome that a year later, here you are making a galette yourself. And yes, I run out of things to write for this sometimes - then I grab a cup of coffee and go on a caffeine-induced writing frenzy. Whatever works, right?
I love what you said about pre:TWD and only being able to bake brownies, and now being able to bake a galette! It really is an amazing thing!
I think I would have taken a piece of the nectarine AND a piece of the plum!
My custard oozed all over the pan, but I still loved the galette. Yours looks delicious!
I love you half nectarine, half plum idea. Looks wonderful!
hehehe...I have the same problems seems like when it comes to writing posts! Your galette looks amazing!
I would pick the plum piece - it looks great!
I love the way the two fuits look on your galette! Very cool!
Fun doing the 1/2 and 1/2 fruit galette. I probably wouldn't know what I'd like more either. PS. I have my blogger blocks too but I try not to force it. Sometimes the post are gonna be short and sweet and thats ok too. :)
Clara @ iheartfood4thought
Wow! It's like yin and yang! I loove the effect of the two different colors of fruit! Smart thinkin'
It looks wonderful. I agree about the skins. I think next time I do an open-faced baked good with stone fruit, I'll peel it no matter what. I love the half and half fruit.
I thought "yin-yang" too when I saw your galette! Great idea. I would have wanted a slice from the border so that I got some of both--I just love fruit desserts!
Congratulations on your first galette!
Yes, it really helps to keep the dough cold. And it will also help if you leave a bigger border of dough around the fruit -- holds in the juices better. Isn't the crust wonderful? My husband is lobbying for many more galettes in our future.
I like the two tone look! Nice job.
I love your two-toned approach.
As for the weekly write-ups, I can (usually) find some small story in the recipe or the process and to avoid boredom (mine and my readers) I focus on that, rather than the recipe.
Not sure what I'm going to do with the banana bread though. I LOVE the recipe, but I'm not finding a story...
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