TWD: Grandma's All-Occasion (Chai) Sugar Cookies
Recipe chosen by: Ulrike of Küchenlatein
Link to TWD Group: Tuesdays With Dorie
Ulrike picked these cookies for the Dec 9th Tuesdays With Dorie recipe. I chose to do the spiced slice and bake version of the cookie since the spices sounded good and I have a hard time rolling cookies out.
I found a chai spice combination that sounded good. 1 tsp Cardamon, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, and 1/4 tsp clove.
The spices gave the dough a speckled appearance, and made the whole house smell amazing.
I thought the cookies needed a little something when I took them out of the oven, so I made a lemon juice and powdered sugar glaze. I couldn't decide the next day which cookie I liked better. The lemon glaze was tasty, but the cookies by themselves were amazing with a cup of tea.
I'll be using this (slice and bake) sugar cookie recipe from now on. Thanks Ulrike!